・What is shokusan?

"shokusan" is a word coined by our founder (registered as a trademark).

It refers to various organic acids and sugars that plants produce internally and secrete from their roots in order to maintain and grow their bodies. Since the time of product development, it has been known that organic acids are secreted by roots, and we researched and utilized the special functions of these organic acids to develop fertilizers.


・Why do pines grow in rocky areas?

Why do pine trees grow so quickly without dying, even in a rocky area that at first glance seems hard to imagine as an environment in which plants can grow, with almost no water or fertilizer? This question became the starting point for researching shokusan.

As a result of observation and research, pine trees produce their own natural organic acids through photosynthesis and secrete them from their roots. The organic acids dissolve rocks and small amounts of soil minerals, making them easier for plants to absorb. In addition, we found that they do not just endure harsh environments, but also prepare their own habitats by encouraging the growth of useful microorganisms. Such effects are seen in a variety of plants.

Growing a plant transcends the boundaries between inorganic and organic matter and is a collaborative effort between all things in the natural world, including microorganisms, and plants are working on this from their own roots.

・What is soil environment deterioration?

Refers to strongly acidic (strongly alkaline) soil caused by the deposition (salt accumulation) of subcomponents contained in inorganic sulfate-based fertilizers or inorganic chloride-based fertilizers.

Neutralizing strongly acidic soil by adding a large amount of inorganic lime will result in gypsum-producing soil. Gypsum-producing soil becomes "dead soil" due to caking, poor water permeability, oxygen deficiency, and inhibition of soil temperature conduction, which inhibit the reproduction of effective microorganisms in the rhizosphere.

Excessive use of inorganic chemical fertilizers and continued use of pesticides in excess of the specified amount will lead to acidification of the soil, and nitrogen will become nitrite, which, when absorbed through the roots of crops, will become carbohydrates and carbohydrates from the leaves. Even if they combine, they become undigested proteins, which can lead to disease-causing crops.